Immigration Advice and Support

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Immigration advice can only be given by qualified advisors.

Below are links to organisations that can help you.

Migrant Help

Visit the Migrant help website

Welsh Refugee Council

  • Support for newly granted refugees
  • Universal Credit applications
  • Housing
  • Child Benefit applications
  • Asylum support applications (call Migrant Help first)
  • Will try to provide an interpreter

Visit the Welsh Refugee Council website or Welsh Refugee Facebook page


Visit the Oasis website or Oasis Facebook page

Asylum Justice

Monday evenings between 6 and 8 pm
07983 176230 or 07395 959299

Thursday evenings between 6 and 8 pm:
07983 176230 or 07752 275065

Red Cross

Visit the Red Cross website or send an e-mail (Red Cross)

Trinity Centre

Visit the Trinity Centre website or Trinity Facebook page

EU Settlement Scheme Advice & Support- Digital Support

Free service to support people verifying their identity through the “EU Exit: ID Document check” app and completing their application online.

To make an appointment, please contact We Are Digital:
03333 445 675
Text the word “VISA” to 07537 416 944  (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm​).

Citizens Advice Cardiff and Vale- EU Citizens Rights Service

This service supports EU, EEA and Swiss citizens with settled, pre settled status applications and also offers access to wider advice services, including specialist advice.

  • Settled status applications
  • Pre-settled status applications
  • Problems at work, including discrimination and exploitation

Visit the Citizen Advice website.

During the Coronavirus outbreak:

0300 330 9059 to leave a voicemail message and get a call back

The Travelling Ahead Project at TGP Cymru

The Travelling Ahead project at TGP Cymru offers free advice, advocacy and support to EU/EEA citizens across Wales.

In order to support and advise EU/EEA citizens to stay in the UK after Brexit, they provide free one-to-one application advice for the scheme in home languages.

During the Coronavirus outbreak:

0808 802 0025 Freephone number can be called at any time – they will respond to enquiries as quickly as possible:

Visit the Travelling ahead website or e-mail them 

Newport Mind

Newport Mind is providing a free service to EU, EEA or Swiss citizens across Wales to support them to apply for settled or pre-settled status in the UK.

During the Coronavirus outbreak:

They are providing support via telephone 07918 619238 Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5.00pm and email.

Newfields Law

Newfields Law is a law firm based in the centre of Cardiff which specialises in immigration advisory services.

It provides an advisory service to EU citizens and their (EU or non-EU) family members who are based in Wales and wish to submit applications to the EU Settlement Scheme.

As a law firm regulated by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority, Newfields Law advise in respect of all application types, ranging from those which are simple and straightforward to the more complex and non-standard, including challenging Home Office decisions. Newfields Law also works alongside other key organisations, in particular those working with vulnerable groups, to provide support and advice beyond OISC level 1.

Visit the Newfields Law website to contact them.


The Settled website offers interactive support and guidance, and can direct EU citizens to bespoke information.

If you have questions regarding the EU Settlement Scheme or you would like to receive some help with the (pre-) settled status application, please contact them.

If you prefer to speak over the phone you can give your name, contact details, a brief outline of the nature of your query and your preferred language for communication and we will call you back within 48 hours. Their volunteers can speak with you in a range of languages.

Visit the Settled website to contact them.

Settled works with Here for Good who can provide specialist immigration advice via their advice line –  020 7014 2155. Open on Mondays (09:30-11:30), Wednesdays (11:30-13:30) and Fridays (13:30-15:30).

Rights of Women

A telephone advice line which provides legal advice and assistance to women who are vulnerable due to Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) to enable them to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme.

This telephone advice line is staffed by women immigration solicitors or barristers who are qualified to give advice up to OISC Level 3.

We can advise on applying to the EU Settlement Scheme including helping you to understand:

  • What the EU Settlement Scheme is
  • What criteria you need to meet
  • How to make an application
  • What documents you will need to apply
  • What type of status you are eligible for

Visit the Rights of Women website to contact them.

Royal Association for Deaf People

This organisation works with deaf people, particularly those deaf from birth or an early age who use sign language to communicate. A webpage and appointment service is now live for deaf EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members to access support to apply to the Scheme. There are also videos explaining the Scheme in British and International Sign Language.

Visit the Royal Association for Deaf People website to contact them.

If you’re concerned about someone, don’t be afraid to seek help.  You can:

  • Report it to the police by calling 101 or 999 in an emergency
  • Report it to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111 – this is free and anonymous
  • Report it to the Modern Slavery Helpline by calling 0800 012 1700 – this is free and confidential
  • Report it to BAWSO (an all-Wales support provider to people from Black and Ethnic Minority backgrounds) by calling 0800 731 8147

OISC-Regulated Immigration Advisers

If you have any queries regarding securing your immigration status within the UK, consult an Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)-regulated immigration adviser. Be sure to check if the adviser charges a fee for their service.

View a register of OISC regulated immigration advisers​​​​

Money Advice Line 02920 871 071