Help for Older People

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Many older people are not claiming all the help that they are entitled to. We can help you do this.

The State Pension is a regular payment from the government most people can claim when they reach State Pension age. The age that you can claim your state pension from the government is changing. Check when you can make a claim and for more information.

Pension Credit – This is extra money you can claim if your state pension and other income is low. Even if you own your own home, have savings or a private pension you could qualify for an income top up. As well as giving you extra money, it can also give you access to other schemes such as:


Sometimes claims can be backdated 3 months.

To find out if you are eligible, use Pension Credit calculator – GOV.UK (

Attendance Allowance – If you have a long term disability or illness, this is extra money available to help with your living costs.

Independent Living Service – The Independent Living Service can help you stay safe and remain living in your own home.

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